Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Day We Were Together

It was the day we were together,
perhaps the only one,
and Holy Heaven opened above us,
a place so vast it overflowed,
pouring down flaming, music-like wind
on our eyes, our ears, our hearts,
and when we spoke,
it was as if we were one being,
speaking in all the tongues of humanity.

Together, we thought,
“Woe is me! I have gone mad!
I am among crazy people!”

But a collective thought-stream commenced:
Sad it is that I must remind you:
I have created you and blessed you;
I have given you a heart of flesh.

Hear, and now understand,
See, and now perceive,
Be healed, now,
and go to share the news!

Mistake not fulfillment
for drunkenness;
your purpose is,

and has always been,
to love one another
 in thought, word and deed,
in dreams and in reality,

to love is to serve.

Rejoice and be Glad!

It was the day we were together,
perhaps the only one.
Do you remember?
Or was it just a dream?


Prayers of the People on Pentecost

To Holy Wisdom, that came
In silence, wind and flame,
We lift our prayers, saying:
            Holy Wisdom,
            Lead us with your Spirit!

As we bring forth our different faces, colors, gifts and voices,
Please guide our vision, our work, our ministries and choices.
            Holy Wisdom,
            Lead us with your Spirit!

Strengthen your ministers, ordained and lay, all,
To heed what our minds, hearts and covenant call.
            Holy Wisdom,
            Lead us with your Spirit!

Move those who govern beyond profit, loss and liability;
Guide them to uphold freedom, truth, justice and dignity.
            Holy Wisdom,
            Lead us with your Spirit!

Guide us in the sustainable use and care
of this Earth, our planetary ecosystem so rare.
            Holy Wisdom,
            Lead us with your Spirit!

Bring comfort to those with any concern or need;
            (that you may now name, silently or aloud)
Support every earnest thought word and deed.
            Holy Wisdom,
            Lead us with your Spirit!

We offer thanks for every blessing and beauty;
            (that you may now name, silently or aloud)
May our gratitude show forth as joy in our duty.
            Holy Wisdom,
            Lead us with your Spirit!

We pray for those who have died and those who mourn;
            (that you may now name, silently or aloud)
May they be wrapped in Peace; may their spirits be upborne.
            Holy Wisdom,
            Lead them with your Spirit!

With one accord, in unity, and in all the voices of humanity,
Let us say: Amen.

© 2013 by Elisabeth T. Eliassen

From Isaiah 6 to Acts 2, in places near and far, love has been declared the common language. 

What will you do to celebrate?

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